We are thrilled to share the news that the leash has been passed to new hands, and Bone Idol has a new owner. As well as getting a fresh new do, we'll offici...
Slobber & Chops Guide: Can Dogs Eat Fruit?
Can dogs eat Fruit? We all love to treat our dogs but what can you give them? We are here to help. Can dogs eat grapes? Can dogs eat apples? Pears, Banana, R...
Slobber & Chops Guide: Grass Seeds & Your Dogs Health
Grass seeds may seem like a harmless thing in the grand scheme of things but they can cause discomfort, pain, infection and could lead to surgery and put you...
Slobber & Chops Guide: Fleas, Life Cycle, Treatments and Prevention
Here at Slobber & Chops we love to share our knowledge and experience with pet parents to help them make the best decisions for them and their dog! This ...
Top 10 Winter Safety Tips for Dogs | Snow Ice | Rock Salt Antifreeze
Snow and Ice can be fun with wintery walks and warm evenings! There are some things to watch out for too. Here are our top 10 tips at Bone Idol to ensure the...
Ben Thorpe | Director & Dog Groomer
Qualified behaviourist and dog groomer, Ben was part of the 2016 founding team and a director of Bone Idol. After being taken over in 2024, Ben has played an...
Press & Media Enquiries
Here at Bone Idol we are always delighted to hear from journalists and media teams about exciting, dog positive and kind stories celebrating our wonderful gr...