Puppies and dogs are pack animals and can whimper and cry when they are first separated from their Mum, Brothers or Sisters. They are not initially used to being on their own. For the first few nights you might want to have your puppy in a large open box which they can’t crawl out of in your bedroom. This may help them to get used to being on their own.
Puppies need fairly constant supervision for the first two or three weeks. To help toilet train your pup take him/her outside to the same spot, after each feed, after playing, first thing in the morning, last thing at night, basically at least once an hour. You should stay with them so get that coat and umbrella at the ready. There’s no need to stay out for hours if it doesn’t look like they are going to toilet, stay for a few minutes and if nothing is happening take them back in and try again later. It is best to allow them to wonder around, when you see they are about to go use the same cue phrase such as ‘Go Potty’ or ‘Be Clean’ and use the phrase consistently every time. When they have been praise them enthusiastically to make that little tail wag.
Don’t punish your puppy if there’s been an ‘accident’ in the house, as this may cause them distress and actually result in him/her not wanting to go to the toilet in front of you at all
Dogs naturally communicate with other dogs using body language, this means they naturally understand human gestures and body language better than spoken word. For example dogs may find direct eye contact and a smile that shows your teeth threatening rather than friendly.
Continually praise and reward your puppy immediately when they show good behaviour and this good behaviour will grow into good habits.
If your puppy is doing something you don’t want them to do, immediately take their collar and gently lead them to what you do want them to do. You may want to use a training line so you can better manage his or her activity for the first few weeks.
Your puppy needs to understand that you are the leader, you can help this along by showing that you are in charge of access to food, controlling use of toys and the access to the outdoors and winning more often than you lose in those little play games of tug of war
Dogs rarely touch each other so you will want to teach your dog to tolerate and enjoy being touched. It’s good to get your puppy familiarised with human touch, the more they are held, handled or restrained the less threatened or stressed they will be by these experiences in the future.
Top tip from Ben Thorpe, Director of Bone Idol “A Kong toy or interactive maze toy can be a great way of keeping young dogs super busy and so deterring any misbehaviour. These kinds of toys are a mixture of ball and food dispenser or chew depending on the type you chose. They are great because they are super durable, yet stimulating, so they help your puppy to keep engaged and interested.” |