Dog food has evolved and with this comes choice. Bone Idol are here to help you pick the best light or diet dog food so you can feed your dog a full and com...
Hypoallergenic, what does it mean?
You may be surprised to learn that food intolerances are a common problem amongst pets. Lower quality pet food, packed with artificial additives, chemicals a...
Your Dogs Health & Healthy Dog Food From Bone Idol
Many factors can contribute to your dog's health, however the better the quality of food the more benefit and nutrients it will receive, it will then be abl...
An interview with Doris, Bone Idol Chief Food Officer
An interview with Doris, our very own Bone Idol CFO. Where she is talking about some of her favourite things to do when she's not working.
Are Supermarket Pet Food Ingredients Unclear?
New research has revealed that a staggering 95% of dog foods sold in Britain’s supermarkets and on Amazon’s bestseller list don’t reveal their exact ingredie...
Bone Idol, Free From Palm Oil
What is the problem with Palm oil?
Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil that comes from the fruit of oil palm trees. Historically palm oil has been used in ...
Antioxidants In Dog Food
The Importance of Antioxidants
Protecting pet food against oxidation is more critical than ever which is why at Bone Idol we want to share with you all the ...
Omega 3: This Is No Fisherman's Tale
Omega-3 and It's Benefits
We have all heard about Omega Fatty Acids, but what are they and why are they in Bone Idol dog food?
Omega- 3 fatty acids a...
Bone Idol Dog Food Commitments
At Bone Idol we want to ensure total transparency for each and everyone of our customers. Bone Idol was created in 2016 from a belief shared between three fr...
We Are Not Perfect But We Are Trying!
At Bone Idol we are doing everything we can to minimise the impact we have on the environment:
We are faced with some difficult challenges as many of the foo...
Another Year Of Dogs At Bone Idol
Each year we love to look back and reflect on what a wonderful time we have at Bone Idol. We've put together this video of our year and it's makes us realise...